lighthttpd install

Linux 2008. 6. 4. 14:00
Lighttpd 설치

원본 :

Lighttpd 1.3.11 has been released, which includes my patch for osx, I’ve updated this post to reflect this, since the patching step is no longer needed.

There’s been a lot of buzz in the Ruby on Rails community lately about lighttpd which claims to be a lightweight, secure and a friggin’ fast http server. And guess what? It most certainly is!

Below are my notes of getting lighttpd 1.3.10 up and running on Mac OSX 10.3with mod_mysql_vhost and mod_fastcgi. Please note that the patch andsymlinking of libmysql may or may not be needed in future versions oflighttpd. Also note that the MySQL version used below is based on the ServerLogistics Complete MySQL package, if you’re using a different package or your own the paths may be different, do a locate mysql_config to figure out where it is.

First of all we need the FastCGI developer kit:

curl -O

tar xzvf fcgi-2.4.0.tar.gz

cd fcgi-2.4.0



sudo make install

We also need the pcre libraries:

(cd ..)

curl -O

tar xzvf pcre-5.0.tar.gz

cd pcre-5.0



sudo make install

Then, we need to download and unpack the lighttpd tarball:

(cd ..)

curl -O

tar -xzvf lighttpd-1.3.11.tar.gz

cd lighttpd-1.3.11/

I wanted to be able to use the mod_mysql_vhost and since I’m using the ServerLogistics MySQL package, installed in /Library/MySQL/ a bit of manual tinkering was requirred. The easiest was to create a symlink for the header files to /usr/local/include/mysql:

sudo ln -s /Library/MySQL/include/mysql /usr/local/include/mysql

Note: This probably isn’t really the optimalsolution, but I didn’t really feel like poking around too much in thesources to correct the path problem

Next we need to run the configure script, telling it we want to use mysql for the vhosts:

./configure --with-mysql=/Library/MySQL/bin/mysql_config

If all is good you should see something like this once the configure script is done:


mod_rewrite : enabled

mod_redirect : enabled

mod_ssi : enabled

mod_cgi : enabled

mod_fastcgi : enabled

mod_proxy : enabled

mod_evhost : enabled

mod_simple_vhost: enabled

mod_mysql_vhost : enabled

mod_access : enabled

mod_alias : enabled

mod_setenv : enabled

mod_usertrack : enabled

mod_compress : enabled

mod_auth : enabled

mod_status : enabled

mod_accesslog : enabled

mod_rrdtool : enabled

mod_secdownload : enabled

mod_expire : enabled

And finally we compile and install the binaries:


sudo make install

Hooray! We’ve successfully installed lighttpd, now we just need totake care of the config and log files and we’re good to go, start bycopying the lighttpd.conf to /etc (I think that’s a good place to haveit, you may disagree)

sudo cp doc/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd.conf

Configuring the lighttpd.conf should be a breeze, it’s fairly self explanatory, also, please consult the documention

Now create and set the proper permissions on our two log files:

sudo touch /var/log/lighttpd.error.log  

sudo chmod 666 /var/log/lighttpd.error.log

sudo touch /var/log/lighttpd.access.log

sudo chmod 666 /var/log/lighttpd.access.log

Finally, we can start the lighttpd webserver and start having some fun with it:

sudo lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd.conf

You may wish to add the -D flag so it’ll keep runningin the console, instead of as a daemon, to make it easier to shut downwhile you’re testing your config and such.

That’s it! You’re all set to go, using mysql based vhosts is fairly straingforward, just take a look at the documentation exampleto get an idea how to set it up. If one where to speculate freely onecould imagine that we set ourselves up a complete environment fordeveloping Rails projects, using Rails. Perhaps I’ll even write anarticle about that in the future, until then; enjoy your lighttpd!

  • mongrel cluster proxy 사용을 위한 lighttpd.conf 설정
var.appname = "mailhost"
#server.modules = ("mod_rewrite", "mod_accesslog", "mod_fastcgi", "mod_compress", "mod_proxy")
server.modules = ("mod_accesslog", "mod_compress", "mod_proxy")
server.port = 80
server.username = "cndjr94"
server.groupname = "admin" = "/WEB/config/pids/"
accesslog.filename = "/WEB/config/log/lighttpd/access_log"
server.errorlog = "/WEB/config/log/lighttpd/error_log"
server.indexfiles = ( "index.html" )
#url.rewrite = ( "^/$" => "index.html", "^([^.]+)$" => "$1.html")
server.document-root = "/WEB/webapp/" + var.appname + "/public"
server.error-handler-404 = "/dispatch.fcgi"

proxy.balance = "fair"
proxy.server = ( "/" =>
( ( "host" => "", "port" => 8001 ),
( "host" => "", "port" => 8002 ),
( "host" => "", "port" => 8003 ),
( "host" => "", "port" => 8004 ) ) )

mimetype.assign = (
".css" => "text/css",
".gif" => "image/gif",
".html" => "text/html",
".jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
".js" => "text/javascript",
".pdf" => "application/pdf",
".png" => "image/png",
".txt" => "text/plain",

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Posted by 으랏차