[ASCII] 특수문자 셋 정의

ISO-8859-1에 정의된 아스키코드의 특수문자 셋 정의

NUL (null)                  

SOH (start of heading)      

STX (start of text)         

ETX (end of text)           

EOT (end of transmission) - Not the same as ETB   

ENQ (enquiry)               

ACK (acknowledge)           

BEL (bell) - Caused teletype machines to ring a bell.  Causes a beep in many common terminals and terminal emulation programs.

BS  (backspace) - Moves the cursor (or print head) move backwards (left) one space.

HT (horizontal tab) - Moves the cursor (or print head) right to the next tab stop.
The spacing of tab stops is dependent on the output device, but is often either 8 or 10.

LF  (NL line feed, new line) - Moves the cursor (or print head) to a new line.
On Unix systems, moves to a new line AND all the way to the left.

VT  (vertical tab)          

FF  (form feed) - Advances paper to the top of the next page (if the output device is a printer).

CR  (carriage return) - Moves the cursor all the way to the left, but does not advance to the next line.

SO  (shift out) - Switches output device to alternate character set.           

SI  (shift in)  - Switches output device back to default character set.

DLE (data link escape)      

DC1 (device control 1)      

DC2 (device control 2)      

DC3 (device control 3)      

DC4 (device control 4)      

NAK (negative acknowledge)  

SYN (synchronous idle)      

ETB (end of transmission block) - Not the same as EOT 

CAN (cancel)                

EM  (end of medium) 

SUB (substitute)            

ESC (escape)

FS  (file separator)

GS  (group separator)

RS  (record separator)

US  (unit separator)


00  000     NUL    (문자열의 끝: Null char)
01  001     SOH    (Start of Heading)
02  002     STX    (Start of Text)
03  003     ETX    (End of Text)
04  004     EOT    (End of Transmission)
05  005     ENQ    (Enquiry)
06  006     ACK    (Acknowledgment)
07  007     BEL    (비프음: Bell)
08  008      BS    (백스페이스: Backspace)
09  009      HT    (탭: Horizontal Tab)
0A  010      LF    (줄바꿈: NL Line Feed/New Line)
0B  011      VT    (Vertical Tab)
0C  012      FF    (프린터 용지 먹임: Form Feed/New Page)
0D  013      CR    (줄바꿈: Carriage Return)
0E  014      SO    (Shift Out)
0F  015      SI    (Shift In)
10  016     DLE    (Data Link Escape)
11  017     DC1    (Device Control 1)
12  018     DC2    (Device Control 2)
13  019     DC3    (Device Control 3)
14  020     DC4    (Device Control 4)
15  021     NAK    (Negative Acknowledge)
16  022     SYN    (Synchronous Idle)
17  023     ETB    (End of Transmission Block)
18  024     CAN    (Cancel)
19  025      EM    (End of Medium)
1A  026     SUB    (Substitute / End of File; EOF)
1B  027     ESC    (Esc키: Escape)
1C  028      FS    (File Separator)
1D  029      GS    (Group Separator)
1E  030      RS    (Request to Send / Record Separator)
1F  031      US    (Unit Separator)

출처 : http://tisiphone.tistory.com/?page=101

Posted by 으랏차