'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 304건

  1. 2008.06.04 IP Setting
  2. 2008.05.29 What put the 2 in Web 2.0?
  3. 2008.05.28 DOM 객체
  4. 2008.05.28 변환행렬...

IP Setting

linux setup 2008. 6. 4. 13:34

모든 IP 설정 및 변경은 root 권한에서 실행된다.

다음은 두가지 방법으로 IP 변경 및 설정 방법을 소개한다.(내가 아는걸로만..)

1. UI 를 이용해서 변경하는 방법.

 1-1. ifconfig -all 로 현재의 ip 를 확인한다.

 1-2. console 창에서 setup 실행.

 1-3. Network Configration 선택.

 1-4. 해당 IP정보 입력.

 1-5. setup을 빠져나옴.

 1-6. /etc/init.d/network restart

 1-7. ifconfig 로 변경된 아이피를 확인한다.

2. Console 에서 환경파일을 변경하는 방법

 2-1. cd /etc/sysconfig/network-script 폴더로 이동한다.

 2-2. vi ifcfg-eht0 파일을 연다.

 2-3. 다음과 같이 변경한다.

  IPADDR=변경하고자 하는 IP



   ※ 주의사항 : GATEWAY 가 없다면

  2-3-1. cd /etc/network 폴더로 이동한다.

  2-3-2. vi network 를 열어 GATEWAY 값을 설정한다.

 2-4. 변경후 저장후 파일을 닫고

 2-5. /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart 실행한다.


'linux setup' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 으랏차

What put the 2 in Web 2.0?

web 2008. 5. 29. 10:21

The industry has spent a lot of time defining Web 2.0 and mapping its DNA. But as we attempt to emulate the fast-growth success of the Web 2.0 darlings, we need to zero in on the parts of the DNA that actually create this noteworthy new value.

What put the 2 in Web 2.0?

Your instinct may tell you that some of the DNA-like attributes of Web 2.0 have been around for some time, and in truth, many have. So why didn’t we see Web 2.0 offerings popping up years ago? Because these older attributes, while significant, weren’t enough to produce viable Web 2.0 products.

Some of the attributes we associate with Web 2.0 were introduced and commercialized as early as the mid 1990s; let’s call these Foundation Attributes. The figure detail below is part of a PDF that separates these “significant but not sufficient” attributes from the more recent Experience Attributes, those that create the kind of value that’s caused the recent excitement over Web 2.0.

What Puts the 2 in Web 2.0

When Experience Attributes are combined with Foundation Attributes for a Web 2.0 offering, the result can be a valuable new service with a fast-growth business model.

I identified these attributes based on how concisely they captured the capabilities of Web 2.0. Rather than returning to the underlying functional features of Web 2.0 (e.g., tagging, RSS), or overextending into the business impacts (e.g., mash-up ecologies), these attributes outline the capabilities of Web 2.0 independent of specific business concepts. Together, they represent the aspects of Web 2.0 success that you can apply in multiple market spaces.

Foundation Attributes

Amazon was taking advantage of the Long Tail before we even had a name for the concept that has since become widespread. Ebay capitalized on the network effect to create a many-to-many marketplace. Early blogs were already embracing the value created from individual users.

These attributes — user-contributed value, the Long Tail, and network effect — are all Foundation Attributes of Web 2.0 services. They’re a part of many Web-based offerings, including some that we don’t call Web 2.0:

User-Contributed Value - Users make substantive contributions to enhance the overall value of a service.

The Long Tail - Beating the sales of one or two best-seller products by using the Internet to sell a cumulatively greater amount of the products that have low demand or low sales.

Network Effect - For users, the value of the network substantially increases with the addition of each new user.

All of these attributes are significant parts of the Web 2.0 economic model, but aren’t sufficient to create the new value of Web 2.0 on their own. They enable Web 2.0 offerings to generate and maximize value from many sources, no matter how small they may be.

Experience Attributes

Flickr, Google Maps, and Wikipedia are all unique services that were undeliverable before Web 2.0. What makes us take notice is the novel way they use Experience Attributes to generate value. (Foundation Attributes then distribute that value across the network and down the Long Tail.) Experience Attributes include:

Decentralization - Users experience services on their terms, not those of a centralized authority, such as a corporation.

Co-creation - Users participate in the creation and delivery of the primary value of a service.

Remixability - Experiences are created and tailored to user needs by integrating the capabilities of multiple services and organizations.

Emergent Systems - Cumulative actions at the lowest levels of the system drive the form and value of the overall system. Users derive value not only from the service itself, but also the overall shape that a service inherits from user behaviors.

By blurring the lines that traditionally delineate supplier, vendor, and customer, these services have pioneered new value streams that can output new types of offerings, harness new efficiencies, and produce higher levels of continuous innovation. Experience Attributes make Web 2.0 offerings fierce competitors in their respective marketplaces.

Where Your Company Fits

If your company is competing in the Web 2.0 space, pay attention to which attributes are part of your plan. The Foundation Attributes are essential ingredients for your economic model, but they won’t generate compelling new value on their own.

Building on one of the Experience Attributes will give you a competitive advantage and a differentiating new value for your Web 2.0 offering. Experience Attributes should provide you with a value stream and a service offering that looks, works, and feels much different from that of your marketplace competitors.

Brandon Schauer is a senior practitioner for Adaptive Path, the world’s premier user experience consulting company. He has nearly a decade of experience developing new products, services, and user experiences on the Web, handhelds, and beyond.

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Posted by 으랏차

DOM 객체

dev 2008. 5. 28. 17:38

** DOM **

# 문서객체모델(Document Object Model)
 - HTML 구조화 하기 위해서
 - 플랫폼과 언어 중립적인 인터페이스 요구
 - 프로그램, 스크립트를 사용해서 동적으로 문서를 접근할 수 있도록
 - 문서의 내용, 구조, 스타일을 변경할 수 있다.
 W3C DOM 레벨1 권고안 http://www.w3.org
 - HTML API는 HTML 객체로 구성되며, 각 객체는 유효한 HTML 엘리먼트와 연결되어 있다.
 - DOM HTML API 인터페이스 객체는 관련 페이지 엘리먼트를 생성, 제거, 수정할 수 있다.
 - DOM Core API : 언어와 모델에 독립적인 API이다 ---> 공용 API
# HTML 객체 접근 방법 2가지
 1) <form>
  <input type="text"/>
  ---> document.form[0].field[0];
 2) <div id="div1">
  ---> var div1 = document.getElementById("div1");
 - DOM Core API : 언어와 모델에 독립적인 API이다 -->공용API
 - 트리노드에 접근할 수 있도록 표준을 제공
 nodeName - 객체명
 nodeValue - 객체의 값
 nodeType - 노드의 종류(숫자로 표현)
 parentNode - 현제노드의 부모노드
 ChildNodes - 자식노드의 NodeList
 firstChild -
 lastChild -
 prviousSibling -
 nextSibling -
 attribute - 엘리먼트의 속성의 키 값


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Posted by 으랏차


dev 2008. 5. 28. 13:26
변환행렬이란 무엇인가..?????

'dev' 카테고리의 다른 글

xml document handling  (0) 2008.07.24
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[tomcat]web.xml  (0) 2008.07.24
tomcat + mysql 한글깨짐  (0) 2008.07.10
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Posted by 으랏차