An Introduction to TCP/IP

If you've been using TCP/IP-based networking products for any length of time at all, you're probably already aware of how IP addressing, routing, and other fundamental aspects of the Internet family of protocols work, at least from a user's perspective.
What you probably don't know—unless you've been formally trained in these subjects—is what makes TCP/IP work from the wire's perspective, or from the perspective of the applications in use on your network. This chapter provides you with an introduction to these viewpoints, providing you with a better understanding of the nature of the traffic on your network.

A Brief History of the Internet

Before you can understand how TCP/IP works—or why it works the way it does—you first have to understand the origins of the networking protocols and the history of the Internet. These subjects provide a foundation for understanding the basic design principles behind TCP/IP, which in turn dictate how it is used today.
TCP/IP presented a radical departure from the traditional computer networking services in use during its development. In the early days of commercial computing (the late 1960s), most companies bought a single large system for all of their data processing needs. These systems used proprietary networking architectures and protocols, which primarily consisted of plugging dumb terminals or line printers into an intelligent communications controller, each of which used proprietary networking protocols to communicate with the central hosts.
Most of the early computer networks used this hierarchical design for their proprietary network protocols and services. As users' computing requirements expanded,
they rarely bought a different system from a different vendor, but instead added new components to their existing platforms or replaced the existing system with a newer, larger model. Cross-platform connectivity was essentially unheard of, and was not expected. To this day you still can't plug an IBM terminal into  DEC system and expect it to work. The protocols in use by those devices are completely different from each other.
As the use of computers became more critical to national defense, it became clear to the U.S. military in particular that major research centers and institutions needed to be able to share their computing resources cooperatively, allowing research projects and supercomputers to be shared across organizational boundaries. Yet, since each site had different systems (and therefore different networking technologies) that were incompatible with the others, it was not possible for users at one site to use another organization's computing services easily. Nor could programs easily be ported to run on these different systems, as each of them had different languages, hardware, and network devices.
In an effort to increase the sharing of resources, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the Department of Defense (DOD) began coordinating the development of a vendor-independent network to tie the major research sites together. The need for a vendor-independent network was the first priority, since each facility used different computers with proprietary networking technology. In 1968, work began on a private packet-switched network, which eventually became known as ARPAnet.
ARPAnet was the world's first wide-area packet-switching network, designed to allow individual units of data to be routed across the country as independent entities. Previous networks had been circuit-switched, involving dedicated end-to-end connections between two specific sites. In contrast, the ARPAnet allowed organizations to interconnect into a mesh-like topology, allowing data to be sent from one site to another using a variety of different routes. This design was chosen for its resilience and built-in fault-tolerance: if any one organization were bombed or otherwise removed from the network, it wouldn't affect the rest of the organizations on the network.
During this same time period, other network providers also began interconnecting with the ARPAnet sites, and when these various networks began connecting to each other, the term 밒nternet?came into use. Over the next few years, more organizations were added to the ARPAnet, while other networks were also being developed, and new network technologies such as Ethernet were beginning to gain popularity as well.
All of this led to the conclusion that networking should be handled at a higher layer than was allowed by the ARPAnet's packet-switching topology. It became increasingly important to allow for the exchange of data across different physical networks, and this meant moving to a set of networking protocols that could be implemented in software on top of any physical topology, whether that be a packet-switched WAN such as ARPAnet or a local area network (LAN) topology such as Ethernet.

TCP/IP to the Rescue

In 1973, work began on the TCP/IP protocol suite, a software-based set of networking protocols that allowed any system to connect to any other system, using any network topology. By 1978, IP version 4 (the same version that we use today) had been completed, although it would be another four years before the transition away from ARPAnet to IP would begin. Shortly thereafter, the University of California at Berkeley also began bundling TCP/IP with their freely distributed version of Unix, which was a widely used operating system in the research community.
The introduction and wide-scale deployment of TCP/IP represented a major ground-shift in computer networking. Until the introduction of TCP/IP, almost every other network topology required that hardware-based network nodes send traffic to a central host for processing, with the central host delivering the data to the destination node on behalf of the sender. For example, Figure 1-1 shows a host-centric networking architecture. In this model, devices are attached to a centralized system that coordinates all network traffic. A user at a terminal could not even send a screen of text to a printer without first sending the data to the central host, which would parse the data and eventually send it to the printer for printing.
Figure 1-1.
Host-centric networking
But with TCP/IP, each network device was treated as a fully functional, self-aware network end-point, capable of communicating with any other device directly, without having to talk to a central host first. IP networks are almost anarchic, with every device acting as a self-aware, autonomous unit, responsible for its own network services, as illustrated in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2.
Node-centric networking
This design allowed for application- and resource-sharing on a national scale, since a top-down model simply would not work with millions of widely distributed devices. In addition, this design also provided reliability in case any part of the network was damaged, since a host-based model would simply stop functioning if the central host was destroyed or disabled.

The Internet Today

Over time, the ARPAnet evolved into an open 뱊etwork-of-networks?using TCP/IP, with educational, commercial, and other organizations connected to each other through an interwoven mesh of networks. Today this type of mesh architecture is far less common, replaced by a much more structured hierarchy.
Rather than organizations connecting to each other directly, most organizations now connect to a local network access provider who routes network traffic upwards and outwards to other end-point networks.
Generally speaking, there are only a handful of top-level Internet Service Providers (ISPs), each of which provide major interconnection services around the country or globe. Most of these firms are telecommunications companies that specialize in large-scale networking (such as long-distance providers like MCI WorldCom and Sprint).
Below these top-level carriers are local or regional access providers who offer regional access and lower-speed connection services to end users directly (these mid-level carriers are sometimes referred to as Internet Access Providers, or 밒APs?. This design is represented in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3.
The hierarchical architecture of the Internet
Visually, the Internet can be thought of as a few major networking companies who provide large-scale 밷ackbone?services around the world, followed by a large number of secondary providers that resell bandwidth on those networks. At the end of the line are the end-leaf organizations that actually generate the traffic that crosses these networks.

The Internet, Defined.

Simply having a lot of interconnected networks does not by itself mean that you have the 밒nternet.?To 밿nternet?(with a lowercase 밿? means to interconnect networks. You can create an internet of Macintosh networks using AppleTalk and some routers, for example. The term 밒nternet?(with a capital 밒? refers to the specific global network of TCP/IP-based systems, originally consisting of ARPAnet and the other research networks.
There have been lots of private and public networks that have offered a multi-layer network design (private SNA* networks from the 1980s are a good example of this). Therefore, the Internet in particular is a collection of networks that support host-to-host communications using TCP/IP protocols.
* SNA stands for Systems Network Architecture, a proprietary IBM networking protocol.
Under this definition, the network is made up of intelligent end-point systems that are self-deterministic, allowing each end-point system to communicate with any host it chooses. Rather than being a network where communications are controlled by a central authority (as found in many private networks), the Internet is specifically meant to be a collection of autonomous hosts that can communicate with each other freely.
This is an important distinction, and one that is often overlooked. For example, many of the private networks have offered mail-delivery services for their customers, allowing a user on one network to send email to another user on another network, but only by going through a predefined mail gateway service. Conversely, the Internet allows users to exchange mail directly, without going through a central politburo first. In this regard, the Internet is a collection of self-deterministic, autonomous hosts.
Having hosts communicate with each other directly is not enough to make the Internet, however. Many networks have offered users the ability to communicate directly with other hosts on those networks, and those networks have not been considered as parts of the Internet per se. For example, there have been many private DECnet networks that have offered this capability, and Novell offers a similar service using IPX today.
The last key criteria is that the Internet is a collection of networks that allows host-to-host communications through voluntary adherence to open protocols and procedures defined by Internet standards. Therefore, in order for these networks to be parts of the Internet, they must also use Internet protocols and standards, allowing for vendor-neutral networking.
This is perhaps the most important part of the entire definition, since the use of consistent protocols and services is what allows the Internet to function at all. For example, it is not enough for a private network to allow users to send email messages to each other directly. Rather, those users must use the same protocols and services to exchange email messages, and those protocols must be defined as Internet standards.

TCP/IP's Architecture

A key part of understanding the distributed nature of TCP/IP is the realization that TCP/IP is a modular family of protocols, providing a wide range of highly segmented functions. TCP/IP is not a single monolithic protocol, but instead is a collection of protocols that range from application-specific functions like web browsing down to the low-level networking protocols like IP and TCP.
One common tool used for comparing different kinds of protocols is the OSI* Reference Model, which is a simplistic breakdown of networking functions from the physical wiring up to the applications that run on the network. By comparing TCP/IP to the OSI Reference Model, it is easier to understand how each of the major protocols interact with each other.

An Introduction to the OSI Reference Model

The OSI Reference Model is a conceptual model that uses seven 뱇ayers?to identify the various functions provided by a network, and these seven layers can be used to compare different protocols using a common framework. Each layer within the OSI Reference Model has a very specific function, and each layer depends on the other layers in order for the entire model to function properly. Each layer only communicates with the layers immediately above or below it. If there is a problem at one layer, it is the responsibility of that specific layer to provide feedback to the layers surrounding it.
The OSI Reference Model is extremely useful as a tool for discussing various network services. For example, if we were to look at a simple network service such as printing a document to a locally attached printer, we could use the OSI Reference Model to determine how this simple task was being achieved. We could also use the model to determine how printing over a Novell network was done, or how printing over a TCP/IP network was accomplished. Because all three of these examples use the same model, they can all be compared to each other even though they all use extremely different technologies to achieve the same objective.
Not all networking technologies have seven layers, nor do they all match up to the seven layers in the OSI Reference Model exactly. Most of them do not match it except in small, specific ways, although all of them can be compared to the model with a little bit of thought. This flexibility is what makes it such a popular tool.
The following list briefly describes each of the seven layers and the purpose each serve. Remember that this is a conceptual model, with very little direct meaning to the real world.
The physical layer
The physical layer is concerned with the physical wiring used to connect different systems together on the network. Examples include serial and parallel cables, Ethernet and Token Ring cabling, telephone wiring, and even the specific connectors and jacks used by these cabling systems. Without strictly standardized definitions for the cabling and connectors, vendors might not implement them in such a way that they would function with other implementations, which in turn would make it impossible for any communication
* OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnect, an alternate suite of network protocols.
whatsoever to occur. Each of these wiring systems therefore follows very strict standards, ensuring that network devices will at least be able to communicate without having to worry about issues such as voltage and impedance.
The data-link layer
The data-link layer defines how information is transmitted across the physical layer, and is responsible for making sure that the physical layer is functioning properly. Some networks—such as the public telephone network, radio, and television—use analog sine-waves to transmit information, while most computer networks use square-wave pulses to achieve this objective. If there are any problems with transmitting the information on the physical cabling (perhaps due to a damaged wire or circuit), then this layer must deal with those errors, either attempting to retransmit the information or reporting the failure to the network layer.
The network layer
The network layer is used to identify the addresses of systems on the network, and for the actual transmission of data between the systems. The network layer must be aware of the physical nature of the network, and package the information in such a way that the data-link layer can deliver it to the physical layer. For example, if a telephone line is the physical layer, then the network layer must package the information in such a way that the data-link layer can transmit it over an analog circuit. Likewise, if the physical layer is a digital Ethernet LAN, then the network layer must encapsulate the information into digital signals appropriate for Ethernet, and then pass it to the data-link layer for transmission.
On many networks, the network layer does not provide any integrity checking. It simply provides the packaging and delivery services, assuming that if the  data-link layer is not reporting any errors then the network is operational. Broadcast television and radio work in this manner, assuming that if they can transmit a signal, then it can also be received. Many digital networking technologies also take this approach, leaving it up the higher-level protocols to provide delivery tracking and reliability guarantees.
The transport layer
The transport layer provides the reliability services lacking from the network layer, although only for basic transmission services, and not for any application- or service-specific functions. The transport layer is responsible for verifying that the network layer is operating efficiently, and if not, then the transport layer either requests a retransmission or returns an error to the layer above it. Since higher-level services have to go through the transport layer, all transport services are guaranteed when this layer is designed into the network software and used. Not all systems mandate that the transport layer provide reliability,
and many networks provide unreliable transport layers for nonessential services such as broadcast messages.
The session layer
The session layer is responsible for establishing connections between systems, applications, or users. The session layer may receive this request from any higher layer, and then will negotiate a connection using the lower layers. Once a connection is established, the session layer simply provides an interface to the network for the higher layers to communicate with. Once the higher layers are finished, the session layer is responsible for destroying the connection.
The presentation layer
The presentation layer provides a consistent set of interfaces for applications and services to utilize when establishing connections through the session layer. Although these interfaces could also exist at the session layer, that would burden it unnecessarily. It is better to have the session layer only manage sessions and not worry about verifying data or providing other extended services. An example of a service provided by the presentation layer is data-compression, allowing applications to take advantage of the performance gains that compression provides without forcing the applications to develop these services themselves, and without forcing the transport layer to provide this service when it may not always be needed.
The application layer
Finally, the application layer provides the network's interface to end-user application protocols such as HTTP and POP3. This layer should not be confused with the part of the end-user application that displays data to the end user. That function is an entirely separate service, and is outside the scope of the OSI Reference Model.
Although every network must use all seven layers of the OSI Reference Model in some form or another, not every network design provides distinct protocols or services that match all seven layers precisely. TCP/IP is one such networking design, with many layers that do not match up to each of the layers used by the OSI Reference Model.

Comparing TCP/IP to the OSI Reference Model

TCP/IP does not strictly conform to the OSI Reference Model. Some portions of the OSI Reference Model map directly to some of the protocols and services provided by TCP/IP, while many of the layers do not map to each other directly at all. For example, the actual delivery of data over the network is handled at the physical layer, and in this case, the wire is the physical layer. There are no services in TCP/IP that correspond with the physical or data-link layers. Rather, IP passes data to a network adapter's device driver, which provides an interface to the data-link layer in use with the physical layer.
Figure 1-4 shows how TCP/IP matches up with the OSI Reference Model. Notice that TCP/IP does not provide any physical or data-link layer services directly, but instead relies on the local operating system for those services.
Figure 1-4.
TCP/IP in comparison to the OSI Reference Model
The specific layers offered by TCP/IP include:
The Internet Protocol
IP itself works at the network layer of the OSI reference model. It is responsible for tracking the addresses of devices on the network, determining how IP datagrams are to be delivered, and sending IP packets from one host to another across a specific segment. In essence, IP provides a virtual representation of the network that is independent of any of the individual network segments, acting more like a national delivery service than a local courier service.
The Transport Protocols (TCP and UDP)
TCP/IP provides two protocols that work at the transport layer: TCP and UDP. TCP provides a highly monitored and reliable transport service, while UDP provides a simple transport with no error-correcting or flow-control services. It is also interesting to note that TCP and UDP also provide session layer services, managing all of the connections between the different hosts. When an application protocol such as HTTP is used to exchange data between a web client and a web server, the actual session-management for this exchange is handled by TCP.
Presentation Services
TCP/IP does not provide a presentation layer service directly. However, some applications use a character-based presentation service called the Network Virtual Terminal (NVTs are a subset of the Telnet specification), while others might use IBM's NetBIOS or Sun's External Data Representation (XDR) programming libraries for this service. In this regard, TCP/IP has many presentation layer services that it can use, but it does not have a formal service that every application protocol must use.
Application Protocols (HTTP, SMTP, etc.)
TCP/IP provides an assortment of application protocols, providing the end-user applications with access to the data being passed across the transport protocols. These protocols include the Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which is used by electronic mail systems to move mail messages around the Internet, and the Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is used by web browsers to access data stored on web servers, among many others.
All of these services get called upon whenever an application wants to exchange data with another application across the Internet. For example, a mail client will use the SMTP application protocol whenever a user wants to send a mail message to a remote mail server, and the SMTP protocol uses rules defined by the NVT specification whenever it exchanges data with TCP. In turn, TCP provides error-correction and flow-control services back to SMTP. IP is used to move the TCP segments between the source and destination networks, while hardware-specific protocols (like Ethernet-specific framing) will be used to move the IP packets between the various systems on the network itself.

TCP/IP Protocols and Services In-Depth

Whenever data is exchanged between two applications across a TCP/IP network, each of the major layers provided by TCP/IP come into play.
This can be seen with email clients that use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send mail to a local server, as is shown in Figure 1-5. The email software on the client contains local application-specific code for parsing and displaying email messages, but everything else is done with network protocols such as SMTP, TCP, and IP.
As data is passed through each of the different layers, packets are generated that contain two distinct elements: headers and data. As information is passed down through the protocol stack, each layer encapsulates the previous layer's information (including both the header and the data) into a new packet, containing a new layer-specific header and the newly minted data segment. This process is shown in Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-5.
Some of the layers used by TCP/IP applications
Figure 1-6.
The sub-parts of layers
At the bottom-most layer, the physical network is used to transfer bits of data (called 밼rames? between two devices on the network. IP packets are contained within these network-specific frames. The only reason IP is used for this process is because the data can go over a variety of different network topologies, and as such the TCP/IP applications must have a way of addressing and routing traffic consistently, regardless of the specific networks in use.
Embedded within the IP datagrams are TCP segments, which provide a reliable virtual circuit for the SMTP application protocol to use. TCP does things like open a connection between two application protocol end-points, resend lost data,
remove duplicates, and exert flow control, each of which is beyond the simple delivery function of IP itself, yet is common enough to be useful as a separate, distinct service.
The SMTP application protocol contains application-specific semantics. In this case, this might consist of an SMTP command such as 밨CPT TO ehall?and an application-specific response code such as 250 (뱋kay?. Note that the commands and data used by SMTP conform to the NVT specification, which prescribes how the data should be formatted, the types of data allowed, and so forth, although SMTP is doing all of the real work.
As can be seen, each of the layers in the TCP/IP suite provide specific functionality to the layers above and below it, making the overall design extremely modular. It is this modularity that makes TCP/IP so powerful, and also what makes it so complex.

Data-Link Services

When two devices on a network communicate with each other, they don't use IP to do so. Rather, they use protocols that are specific to the wire itself. For example, devices on an Ethernet segment use a predefined series of electrical impulses to communicate with each other. Whenever an Ethernet device wants to send data to another device on the same network, it raises and lowers the voltage of the shared medium so that a series of 뱋n?and 뱋ff?voltage patterns are generated. These changes in voltage are interpreted as bits by the other devices on the network.
The changes in voltage are dictated by protocols that are specific to the different types of physical networks. Ethernet networks have data-link protocols that will not work with technologies like Token Ring. Similarly, modems use protocols specific to different types of modem technology.
Much of IP's functionality is determined by the physical media that the IP device is connected to. When an IP device has information that it needs to send to another device on the same wire, it has to understand the characteristics of the wire in order to prepare the information so that is usable for that particular medium.
One of the issues that IP has to deal with is the mechanisms used for the network-specific addressing. Just as physical networks have to provide mechanisms for encapsulating and disseminating data on the wire, they also have to provide a way for devices to locate each other, using addressing methods defined by the low-level protocols.
On shared networks, each device must have a unique hardware address in order for devices to indicate which node the traffic is for. Ethernet networks use a 48-bit
Media Access Control (MAC) address for this purpose, while Frame Relay networks use Data-Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) addresses, and so on. This concept is illustrated in Figure 1-7, where IP traffic for is sent to the Ethernet address of 00:00:c0:c8:b2:27, using Ethernet-specific signalling.
Figure 1-7.
Topology-specific protocols and addressing
In contrast, modems are point-to-point; only two devices can communicate over any given circuit. As such, modem circuits don't use addresses per se, but instead just send and receive data over dedicated 뱓ransmit?and 뱑eceive?wires as needed. The same is true of T-1 lines and most other point-to-point circuit-based networks.
In all of these cases, the IP stack running on the local device must understand the addressing mechanisms used by the hardware, and implement it accordingly, just as it must understand the framing characteristics and signalling mechanisms in use on the physical network.

The Internet Protocol

When an IP-enabled device wants to send data to another IP node, the data-link services on that device convert the IP datagrams into a format usable by the local network medium, and then send the data to the destination system using the addressing and framing mechanisms dictated by the network.
These steps occur on each of the networks that an IP datagram traverses on its way to the final destination system. If an IP datagram were sent from a dial-up user working at her home in Los Angeles to a server in Rome, Italy, the number of networks that would be crossed could be quite high. But at each step of the way, the data would be transmitted using the low-level protocols appropriate for each of the particular networks being crossed.
In this regard, IP provides a virtual representation of the global Internet to the hosts that are on it. IP provides datagram formatting and addressing mechanism that is not dependent upon any of the specific characteristics of the individual networks that make up the global Internet. Data can be sent to an IP address, and the data will be encapsulated and transmitted according to the rules of each of the intermediary networks, with the IP datagram being used to provide delivery clues to the sending, receiving, and intermediary devices. Essentially, routing occurs at the network layer (IP), while delivery occurs at the data-link layer (Ethernet, modems, whatever).
This concept is illustrated in Figure 1-8. In that example, data sent over a modem would be encapsulated into a form usable by the dial-up connection. Once received, the data would be determined to be an IP datagram, and would then get converted into a form that was usable by the LAN connection and sent out again. The receiving system (Ferret) would eventually get the packets.
Figure 1-8.
IP datagrams versus the topology-specific protocols
One thing to keep in mind is that this was the primary design goal of IP, allowing it to scale beyond the packet-switched networks that made up the original Internet (which could not be grown easily or cheaply). Without moving to a virtual networking protocol like IP, the Internet would still be using packet-switching networks, and we'd all have WAN connections on our desktops instead of Ethernet or Token Ring (or, more likely, we wouldn't be using IP). But by leveraging the virtual nature of IP, we can use any network we want anywhere we want, and the IP data will still be deliverable across any of them.
One side effect of this design is that the IP datagram is a separate entity from the IP packets that are being used to transfer the datagram from the source to the destination. Whenever a device needs to send data, it will form an IP datagram containing both the data that needs to be send and whatever headers are required to deliver the data over IP to the destination system. However, as this datagram is sent across the network, it will be shipped as a series of packets that get created and destroyed by each network device that processes or forwards the datagram on to its final destination. In essence, the datagram becomes a series of packets, each of which can go anywhere they need to in order for the datagram to be delivered.
Another interesting aspect of IP is that it does not guarantee that any of these packets will ever get delivered at all. A system may be able to send the data, but the data may not be received intact, or the data may be ignored by the destination system due to high processing loads or some other reason. Although some networking topologies provide an intelligent retransmission mechanism in case data is lost, many of them do not. As such, IP's designers had to assume that data would get lost sometimes.
In this regard, IP offers absolutely no guarantees, leaving it up to higher-layer protocols to perform this function if required. For this reason, IP can be thought of as being unreliable, particularly in the sense that application designers (and users) should not assume that every IP datagram will arrive at its destination intact. Some people refer to this as 밷est-effort?delivery, while others refer to it jokingly as 밷est-of-luck?delivery.
Another key design goal of IP was the concept of datagram independence. The IP protocol does not dictate that all datagrams must travel the same route. In fact, IP dictates just the opposite: any datagram can travel across any network path that the devices on the network deem most suitable.
For example, a user in California may be downloading data from a host in Ireland, and some part of the network may simply stop functioning. The sending system (or a router somewhere in between the two systems) would eventually detect this failure and would begin forwarding datagrams through a different network path. This feature gives IP a robust and flexible foundation, allowing networks to become self-healing, in a sense.
Since each datagram is independent, it is likely that some datagrams will take different paths to the same destination. As such, one datagram may end up crossing a satellite link, while another datagram crosses a fiber-optic line. When this happens, the second datagram will likely arrive at the destination system before the first datagram does. In another situation, the satellite link may experience some sort of problem that results in the first datagram getting sent twice.
In both of these cases, the network has caused the IP datagrams to get out of synch. But since IP is simply a virtual representation of the network, it does not care when this happens. If sequencing is important to an application, then it has to implement that service directly or by using TCP (appropriately the Transmission Control Protocol) for transport-layer services.
Another related concept is fragmentation. Assume for a moment that the sending system were on a high-capacity network such as Token Ring, while the destination system were on a low-capacity dial-up connection. Since the sending system generates datagrams according to the characteristics of the local network, it generates large datagrams appropriate for the Token Ring frames.
But when the next system tries to relay the IP datagram to the dial-up recipient, the IP datagrams are too large for the dial-up network to handle in one frame. When this happens, the datagram must be split into multiple fragments, with each of the fragments being sent across the network as independent entities. Each fragment follows all of the other rules outlined earlier, thus being capable of getting lost in transit, routed separately, or arriving out of sequence.
When the fragments arrive at the destination system (if they arrive), then they need to be reassembled into their original datagram form. However, this only occurs at the final destination system, and not at any intermediary routers, since any of the fragments could have gone off in another direction.
Taken together, these services make IP a highly unreliable and unpredictable network protocol. Datagrams can get lost or may be broken into multiple packets, all without warning. The only thing IP does is move data from one host to another, one network at a time. Of course, users have little interest in applications that must be provided by a higher-level protocol than either IP itself (for example, TCP) or the application.
owl.gif Remember this rule: The Internet Protocol is only responsible for getting IP datagrams from one host to another, one network at a time.
For more information on IP, refer to Chapter 2, The Internet Protocol.

The Address Resolution Protocol

Since two IP devices on the same physical medium communicate with each other using the low-level protocols specific to that physical medium, the two devices must locate each other's hardware addresses before they can exchange any data. However, each networking topology has its own addressing mechanisms that are different from all of the others, and IP has to be able to locate hardware addresses for each of them.
Since there are so many different types of networking topologies, it is not possible for IP to be imbued with the specific knowledge of how to build the address mappings for each of them explicitly. Attempting to do so would be an extraordinarily inefficient use of the IP software's basic functionality, preventing the rapid adoption of new networking topologies and introducing other fundamental problems into the network.
Instead, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used as a helper to IP, and is called upon to perform the specific task of building each address mapping whenever address conversion is required. ARP works by issuing a broadcast on the selected medium, requesting that the device using a specific IP address respond with its hardware address. Once the destination device has responded, the sending system can establish communication with the receiving system and start sending data to the discovered hardware address. This process is shown in Figure 1-9, with issuing a lookup for, who responds with its local Ethernet hardware address.
Figure 1-9.
Using ARP to locate the hardware address associated with a known IP address
The ARP requests and responses work at the physical layer and are embedded directly into the frames provided by the low-level protocols in use on the physical medium. ARP messages do not use IP, but instead are entirely separate protocols.
For more information on ARP, refer ahead to Chapter 3, The Address Resolution Protocol.

The Internet Control Message Protocol

From time to time, IP datagrams will fail to get delivered. This may be due to errors in the datagram structure, a general network outage, or a delivery timeout. IP doesn't really care about these problems, since it never promised delivery in the first place. However, applications care about these problems very much. They would like to be able to react to a failure, either by taking an alternative course of action, or by at least informing the user that a problem has occurred.
IP uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) for error-reporting services. When a system needs to report a problem that is preventing delivery from occurring, it generates an ICMP message that describes the general problem, and then sends it back to the original sender of the original datagram. ICMP messages are not sent when a packet is lost in transit or when some other transient error occurs. Rather, ICMP error messages are only sent when there is a detectable problem that is preventing certain packets or datagrams from being delivered due to a specific reason. This indicates that the sending host should probably stop trying to send those kinds of datagrams to this specific destination system, or that a different path should be used.
Even if two IP-enabled systems are able to communicate effectively, there are no guarantees that everything will work, since the data inside the datagrams may be corrupt, or packets may get lost without any ICMP errors being generated. IP is an unreliable network protocol by its very definition, and as such does not provide any guarantees. ICMP does not change this fact.
ICMP runs on top of IP, allowing it to traverse the global Internet just as easily as TCP or UDP messages. This seems a bit confusing to many people: if an IP datagram could not be delivered, it would not seem that an ICMP error—delivered over IP—would make it back to the original sender. However, remember that most delivery errors occur due to problems on the next leg of the network, and that the original IP datagram at least made it as far as the system that's reporting a problem. In this scenario, the network between the original sender and the host that's reporting the problem is likely to be functioning properly.
There are a variety of ICMP message types, and not all of them are limited to reporting on network errors. There are also ICMP 뱏uery?messages, useful for diagnosing and testing the network interactively. The most common of these are the ICMP Echo Request and Echo Reply query messages, which are better known as ping to most users.
For more information on ICMP, refer to Chapter 5, The Internet Control Message Protocol.

The Transport Protocols.

Application protocols do not communicate with IP directly, but instead talk to one of two transport protocols: TCP or UDP. In turn, these transport protocols pass data to IP, which encapsulates the data into IP datagrams that get sent over the network. In essence, the transport protocols hide the network from the application protocols so that they do not have to deal with packet-sizing and other issues, while also shielding the network from having to multiplex the application protocol traffic (a task that IP can leave to the transport protocols).
For example, both UDP and TCP provide a multiplexing service to application protocols by way of application-specific port numbers. Essentially, port numbers act as virtual post office boxes for messages to be delivered to within a single host, allowing multiple applications to run on a single host. When datagrams arrive at a destination system, they are handed off to the transport protocol specified in the datagram, which then delivers the transport-specific message data to the port number specified in the header of the message. In this manner, many different application protocols can run on the same host, using different port numbers to identify themselves to the transport protocols.
The transport protocol that an application protocol uses is determined by the kinds of network- and application-management services that are required. TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented transport protocol, providing error-correction and flow-control services that can tolerate IP's knack for losing packets. Conversely, UDP is an unreliable, message-centric transport protocol that offers little functionality over IP alone. There are many applications that need to use one of these models or the other, and there are a handful of applications that use both of them. A good example of an application that could use them both is a network printer.
If many users share a network printer, all of them need to be kept informed of the printer's availability. Using UDP, the printer could send out periodic status messages such as 뱋ut of paper?or 밹over open.?The software on the client PCs would then pick up on these status updates, changing the desktop icon appropriately, or notifying an administrator that something has gone awry. UDP allows the printer to notify everyone of these updates simultaneously, since it's not a big deal if some of these updates get lost.
This concept is illustrated in Figure 1-10, in which the printer at is periodically sending out UDP broadcasts, indicating its current status. Network systems that are interested in that information can monitor for those updates and can change their desktop icons or management station software appropriately. If a system does not receive one of these updates for some reason, then it will probably get the next update message, so it's not a big deal.
Figure 1-10.
Using UDP to broadcast status updates
Conversely, when a user wants to print a file, she would prefer to use TCP, since that would ensure that the printer received all of the data intact. When the user wants to print, the client software on the end user's PC establishes a TCP session with the printer, sends the data to the printer's software, and then closes the connection once the job was submitted.
If the printer is functioning properly, it accepts the data, and uses the error-correction and flow-control services offered by TCP to manage the data transfer. If the printer is not available (perhaps it is out of paper, or low on toner), then it sends an appropriate message using the existing TCP connection. This ensures that the client is notified of whatever problem is preventing the print job from being serviced.
This process is illustrated in Figure 1-11. Here, the desktop PC is trying to print a file to the printer, but since the printer is out of toner, it rejects the connection. Because TCP is a reliable, circuit-centric protocol, the client is sure to get the message, even if it didn't get all of the UDP broadcasts sent earlier.
As you can see, both TCP and UDP provide functionality that is above that offered by IP alone, and both protocols are required to build an effective set of network applications.
Figure 1-11.
Using TCP for transaction-oriented applications

The Transmission Control Protocol

TCP provides error-correction through the use of a connection-oriented transaction. Whenever an application needs to send data to another host, TCP builds a 뱒tart?segment and sends it to the destination node. When the other system sends a 뱒tart?segment back (along with an acknowledgment that it got the first segment), a monitored conversation between the two systems begins.
TCP works in much the same way as a telephone conversation. When an application wants to trade data with another system, it first tries to establish a workable session. This is similar to you calling another person on the phone. When the other party answers (밐ello??, they are acknowledging that the call went through. You then acknowledge the other party's acknowledgment (밐i Joe, this is Eric?, and begin exchanging information.
If at any time during the call parts of the data exchange are lost (밪orry, what did you say??, the sender retransmits the questionable data. If the connection degrades to a point where no communication is possible, then sooner or later both parties simply stop talking. Otherwise, once all of the data has been exchanged, the parties agree to disconnect (밪ee ya?, and close the call gracefully. TCP follows most of these same rules, as is illustrated in Figure 1-12.
TCP segments are encapsulated within IP datagrams. They still rely on IP to get the data where it's going. However, since IP doesn't offer any guarantees regarding delivery, TCP has to keep track of the status of the connection at all times. This is achieved through the use of sequence numbers and acknowledgment flags embedded within the TCP header. Every byte of data sent over TCP must be acknowledged (although these acknowledgments are usually clumped together). If one of the systems does not acknowledge a segment, then TCP will resend the
Figure 1-12.
TCP virtual circuits versus telephone calls
questionable data. This provides error correction and recovery functions that overcome IP's unreliable nature.
The use of sequence numbers also allows TCP to implement flow control and other services on top of IP. Applications can send as much data as they need to, and TCP will break the data into chunks that will fit within IP segments. If the receiving system is unable to process data quickly enough, it can tell the sending system to slow down, thereby reducing the likelihood that data will get lost.
In addition, it is important to realize that TCP offers a byte-stream service for applications to use whenever they need to read and write data. Whenever an application needs to send data—whether that data is a 20-byte message or a two-megabyte file—the application can send the data in a stream to TCP, where it will be converted into manageable chunks of data that are sent (and tracked) over IP cleanly. Once the IP datagrams are received by the destination system, the data is made available to the destination application immediately, where it can be read and processed.
Applications such as the Internet's Simple Message Transport Protocol (SMTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) both require the reliable and controlled connection services that TCP provides. In addition, these types of application protocols also benefit from TCP's streaming model, allowing the applications to send data as a continual stream of bytes that will be read and processed by the recipient upon their arrival. Without these services, mail messages sent over SMTP and GIF images sent over HTTP would not flow smoothly, and would likely get garbled. And since TCP provides these services directly, applications do not have to embed these routines within their internal application code.
For more information on TCP, see Chapter 7, The Transmission Control Protocol.

The User Datagram Protocol

Not every application requires guaranteed delivery, and these applications typically use UDP for transport services. Unlike TCP, UDP sends only the data it has received from the application, and makes no pretense towards guaranteed delivery or flow control or anything else. As such, UDP is much like IP, but is the protocol that applications use to communicate with each other, rather than using IP directly.
UDP is much like a postcard. If you were travelling around a foreign country, you might send postcards to friends and family from the different cities that you visit, informing them of recent events. You wouldn't worry about the postcards getting delivered quickly, or even if they got lost entirely, since you'll probably send more postcards from the next town anyway. You wouldn't necessarily want the postcards to get lost, but at the same time you wouldn't rely on the postcards for any urgent business (like 뱒end money to the embassy?. For anything important, you'd use the telephone (TCP) to ensure that your message arrived intact and was processed correctly.
You may wonder why a UDP protocol exists, when it would seem that IP could serve the same function. The reason is simple: IP doesn't do anything but get datagrams from one host to another. IP doesn't provide any application interfaces or management services. UDP does provide these services, and it provides a consistent environment for developers to use when writing low-overhead network applications. UDP also provides application multiplexing services through the use of port numbers, allowing many application protocols to be used on a single host. Trying to do this with IP would require either a lot more transport protocols, or an application multiplexing layer within IP directly, neither of which would be very efficient.
Another benefit of UDP is that it offers a message-centric delivery model, allowing chunks of data to be sent as single IP datagrams (instead of being streamed over virtual circuits like they would with TCP). For example, a UDP-based application protocol can write a four-kilobyte block of data to UDP, and that block will be handed to IP directly. IP will then create an IP datagram that contains the entire four kilobytes, and send this data as a series of IP packets to the destination system (according to the rules defined for the network medium in use). Once all of the data arrives, the IP datagram is reassembled and the entire four-kilobyte UDP message will be handed to UDP for processing.
In this model, it is easy for applications to exchange record-oriented data (such as a fixed-length file or a atabase record), since the entire record can be read by a single operation. Since the IP datagram (and thus the UDP message) will be contained in a single message, if the client has received any of the data, then they will
receive all of the data in that message. Conversely, TCP would require that the client continually read the queue, waiting for all of the data to arrive, and having no clear indication of when all the data for that record had arrived (without also using application-specific markers in the data stream, anyway).
Also, applications that need fast turnaround or that already have their own internal error-correction routines can make good use of UDP because of its low overhead. Some database software packages can be configured to use UDP, and many file transfer protocols also use UDP because it is a light, fast, and message-centric protocol that is easier and faster than TCP, and that does not require the overhead of TCP's virtual-circuit model.
For more information on UDP, refer to Chapter 6, The User Datagram Protocol.

Presentation Services

Whenever application protocols wish to communicate with each other, they must do so using a predefined set of rules that define the types of data that will be exchanged. For example, if an application protocol is to use textual data, then those characters must have the same byte-order and binary values on both systems. For example, one system cannot use US-ASCII while the other system uses EBCDIC characters. Nor can one system pass data in 밷ig-endian?form to a processor that only understands 뱇ittle-endian?data, since the bits will be interpreted backwards.
For these reasons, the application protocols must agree to use certain types of data, and must also agree on how to present that data so that it is interpreted consistently. Typically, this falls under the heading of 뱎resentation layer services,?with some network architectures providing detailed presentation-layer specifications that cover everything from character sets to numeric formatting rules. However, TCP/IP does not have a formally defined presentation layer. Instead, it has many informal mechanisms that act as presentation layers, with each of them providing specific kinds of presentation services to different kinds of applications.
Most of the application protocols used on the Internet today use the Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) specification for presentation services. NVTs are a subset of the Telnet specification, and provide a basic terminal-to-terminal session that applications use to exchange textual data. The NVT specification defines a simple definition for the characters to use (seven-bit, printable characters from the US-ASCII character set) and end-of-line markers.
However, NVTs do not provide for much in the way of complex data types, such as numeric formatting. If an application needs to exchange a complex piece of data—including extended characters, long integers, and record markers—then NVTs can not be used alone. For this reason, a variety of other presentation-layer services are also used with TCP/IP applications, although typically these services are restricted to vendor-specific applications and offerings.
One presentation service that is popular with Microsoft-based applications is IBM's NetBIOS, a set of network APIs that provide functionality suitable for PC-based network applications. Another popular service is Sun's External Data Representation (XDR) service, a set of APIs that are useful for passing complex data types. Yet another popular service is the Distributed Computing Environment's Remote Procedure Call (DCE RPC) mechanism, useful for passing network-specific data between highly dissimilar hosts.
Each of these mechanisms is popular with different groups and for different reasons. But most Internet-based applications use just NVTs since they are usable on a wide variety of systems. Remember that many of the computing systems in use on the Internet are still quite old and are incapable of supporting anything other than seven-bit ASCII text.

Application Protocols

A variety of application protocols exist that provide standardized mechanisms for the exchange of information across vendor bounds. Among these are file transfer protocols such as FTP, Gopher, and HTTP; groupware and electronic mail services such as SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, and NNTP; and protocols for locating network resources such as DNS, Finger, and LDAP, among many others.
It's important to realize that client applications generally consist of two distinct components: the application protocol (such as HTTP or POP3), and an end-user interface that displays information. For example, a web browser uses HTTP (the protocol) to retrieve HTML and GIFs from a web server, but the code for displaying that data is a separate service that is not covered by the protocol specification.
For more on the common application protocols found on the Internet today, refer to the book Internet Application Protocols, which covers most of these protocols.

How Application Protocols Communicate Over IP

Almost all IP applications follow the same basic model: a client sends a request of some kind to a server running on another system, and the server examines the request, acts upon it in some form, and then possibly returns some form of data back to the client. This is not always the case (many UDP-based 뱒ervers?do not return any data, but simply monitor network activity), but it holds true for most applications.
Server-based applications (like an email server or web server) are generally loaded by the operating system when the computer is started. The servers then go into a 뱇isten?state, watching for incoming connections. Conversely, client applications will only establish a connection when some sort of action is required (like 밽et new messages?.
Applications communicate with the transport protocols through the use of 뱎orts,?which are unique I/O identifiers used by the transport protocols and the specific instance of the application protocol. 밣orts?are conceptually similar to the mail-boxes used at your local post office. When a letter comes in for a recipient, it is placed into a known mailbox reserved for that specific recipient. Whenever the recipient comes by, he will pick up any messages in that mailbox and process the data at his convenience.
Similarly, ports provide TCP and UDP with a way to deliver data to higher-layer application protocols. Every time an application protocol opens a connection to one of the transport protocols, it will allocate a port from the transport protocol, and then use that port for all network I/O. Any traffic that is destined for that particular application will be routed to the appropriate port for the application to deal with.
Just as every device on an IP network has a unique IP address, every instance of every application protocol also has a unique port number that is used to identify it to the transport protocols on the local system. This concept is illustrated in Figure 1-13, which shows how UDP reserves ports for specific applications. Any UDP or TCP messages that come into a system will be identified as destined for a specific port number, and the transport layer will use that information to route the data to the correct application.
Some applications can open many simultaneous network connections, and in this case, each instance would get its own port number. One example of this is the ubiquitous web browser, which can open many simultaneous connections to a remote web server, depending on the number of files that need to be downloaded from a web page. Each of these HTTP connections will get created as independent network connections, with each of the connections having unique port numbers for the client side of the connection. Once the web browser finishes downloading the objects, then each of the individual connections will be closed.
Every connection between a client and a server consists of four pieces of information: a source IP address, a source port number, a destination address, and a destination port number. All together, these four pieces of information make connections unique. For example, if a web browser were to open two connections to a web server, then the IP addresses of both hosts would be the same. In addition, the well-known server port number (80) would also be the same.
Figure 1-13.
Application-level multiplexing with port numbers
Therefore, in order for the individual connections to be unique, the client must use a different port number for each of the unique connections. Servers do not care if a single client asks for multiple connections, as long as each connection comes from a unique port number on the client, since each connection must be uniquely identifiable to the server.
This four-way identifier is called a 뱒ocket pair?in IP lingo, and is the basis of all communications for all application protocols. A 뱎ort?identifies a connection point in the local stack (i.e., port number 80). A 뱒ocket?identifies a IP address and port number together (i.e., port 80 on host could be written as 뱒ocket A 뱒ocket pair?refers to a distinct connection between two different applications, including the IP addresses and port numbers in use by both. Each individual connection requires that the socket pair contain at least one unique element.

Servers Listen for Incoming Connections

Most server-based IP applications use what are referred to as 뱖ell-known?port numbers. For example, an HTTP server will listen on TCP port 80 by default, which is the well-known port number for an HTTP server. This way, any HTTP client that connects to HTTP servers can use the default of TCP port 80. Otherwise, the client would have to specify the port number of the server that it wanted to connect with (you've seen this in some URLs that use or the like, where ?080?/I> is the port number of the HTTP server on
Most application servers allow you to use any port number you want. However, if you were to run your web server on TCP port 8080 for example, then you would have to tell every Internet user that your web server was not accessible on TCP port 80. This would be an impossible task. By sticking with the default, all users can connect to your web server using the default of TCP port 80.
owl.gif Some network administrators purposefully run application servers on non-standard ports, hoping to add an extra layer of security to their network. However, it is the author's opinion that security through obscurity is no security at all, and this method should not be relied upon by itself.
There are a number of predefined port numbers that are registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). All of the port numbers below 1024 are reserved for use with well-known applications, although there are also many applications that use port numbers outside of this range.
In addition to the reserved addresses that are managed by the IANA, there are also 뱔nreserved?port numbers that can be used by any application for any purpose, although conflicts may occur with other users who are also using those port numbers. Any port number that is frequently used is encouraged to register with the IANA.
For a detailed listing of all of the port numbers that are currently registered, refer to the IANA's online registry (accessible at To see the well-known ports used on your system, examine the /etc/services file on a Unix host, or the C:\WinNT\System32\Drivers\Etc\SERVICES file on a Windows NT host.

Clients Open Connections to Servers

In contrast to server-based applications that are always listening for incoming connections on a fixed port number, client applications will use a randomly assigned port number for their end of the connection. Whenever an IP application needs to send data, the transport protocol will allocate a random port number above 1024 and use this port number for all incoming and outgoing data associated with that application.
For example, when a POP3 client is used to establish a connection with a mail server, the client application will pass an application-specific command to TCP, specifying the server's IP address and port number as the destination. TCP will then add its own information—including stuff like the port number of the local
POP3 client—and hand the entire package off to IP for delivery. IP then does its best to get the message to the destination system.
When the mail server's IP stack receives the datagram, it verifies that it contains a TCP segment, and then hands the contents off to TCP for further processing. TCP will see that the destination port number refers to the local POP3 server, and then hand off the original application command. Once the server has processed the command, it will reverse the process, sending whatever data it generates back to the port number and IP address in use by the client. Once the transaction is finished, the client's TCP port will be released. Any subsequent connections would require a new connection be opened, with a different port number being allocated by the client.

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