The Address Resolution Protocol
Summary The Address Resolution Protocol provides a mechanism for IP devices to locate the hardware addresses of other devices on the local network. This service is required in order for IP-enabled systems to communicate with each other.
Relevant STDs 2 (;
3 (includes RFCs 1122 and 1123);
37 (RFC 826, republished);
38 (RFC 903, republished)
Relevant RFCs 826 (Address Resolution Protocol);
903 (Reverse ARP);
1122 (Host Network Requirements);
1433 (Directed ARP);
1868 (UnARP Extension);
2131 (DHCP and DHCP ARP);
2390 (Inverse ARP)

When two IP-enabled devices on the same network segment want to communicate, they do so using the low-level protocols and addressing mechanisms defined for the specific medium in use.
For example, Ethernet devices use Ethernet-specific addresses when they communicate with each other, while Frame Relay networks use Frame Relay-specific addresses.
In order for IP systems to communicate with each other, they must first be able to identify the hardware addresses of the other devices on the same network segment that the local device is on. This service is provided by the Address Resolution Protocol.

The ARP Standard

ARP is defined in RFC 826, which has been republished as STD 37 (ARP is an Internet Standard protocol). However, RFC 826 contained some vagaries which were clarified in RFC 1122 (Host Network Requirements). As such, ARP implementations need to incorporate both RFC 826 and RFC 1122 in order to work reliably and consistently with other implementations.
RFC 826 introduced the concept of an Address Resolution Protocol as a useful way for devices to locate the Ethernet hardware address of another IP host on the same local network. As it turns out, ARP is also useful for many network topologies—not just Ethernet—and has since become incorporated into most of the other network topologies. All LAN media—and many WAN media—now use ARP to locate the hardware addresses of other IP devices on the local network.
When a device needs to send an IP packet to another device on the local network, the IP software will first check to see if it knows the hardware address associated with the destination IP address. If so, then the sender just transmits the data to the destination system, using the protocols and addressing appropriate for whatever network medium is in use by the two devices. However, if the destination system's hardware address is not known, then the IP software has to locate it before any data can be sent. At this point, IP will call on ARP to locate the hardware address of the destination system.
ARP achieves this task by issuing a low-level broadcast onto the network, requesting that the system that is using the specified IP address respond with its hardware address. If the destination system is powered up and on the network, it will see this broadcast (as will all of the other devices on the local network), and it will return an ARP response back to the original system. Note that the response is not broadcast back over the network, but is instead sent directly to the requesting system.
This process is illustrated in Figure 3-1. In that example, Ferret issues an ARP request for the hardware address associated with to the network-specific broadcast address in use on that LAN. When Froggy sees the ARP request, it unicasts an ARP reply (containing Froggy's hardware address) to Ferret directly. Having gained the information it needed, Ferret can then send whatever data it has for Froggy to that host's hardware address, using the protocols that are specific to the underlying network medium.
ARP packets work at the data-link layer, the same as IP packets. As such, ARP packets are completely separate from IP packets; they even have a different protocol ID of 0806, instead of 0800 as used with IP.
ARP packets contain several fields, although only five of them are used to provide the bulk of ARP's functionality: the hardware address of the source, the IP address
Figure 3-1.
An overview of ARP
of the source, the hardware address of the destination, the IP address of the destination, and a 뱈essage-type?field that indicates whether the current ARP packet is a request or a response to a request.
When a device issues an ARP request, it fills in three of the four address-related fields, providing its own hardware and IP address, as well as the IP address of the target (the target's hardware address is unknown, so that field is filled with zeroes). In addition, it will set the message-type field to indicate that the current packet is an ARP request, and then broadcast the request onto the local network for all devices to see.
All of the local devices should monitor the network for ARP broadcasts, and whenever they see a request for themselves (as indicated in the destination IP address field of the ARP request), they should generate a response packet and send it back to the requesting system. The response packet will consist of the local device's IP and hardware addresses (placed into the sender fields), and the IP and hardware address of the original sender (placed in the destination fields of the response packet). The response will also be marked as such, with the message-type field indicating that the current packet is an ARP response. The new ARP packet is then unicast directly to the original requester, where it is received and processed.
Note that there is no timeout for an ARP request. The packet is sent and that's all there is to it. If a response comes back, that's great. If not, then ARP itself does not care, although the IP stack itself probably does care, and will continue to issue ARP lookups. However, this is also dependent upon the implementation of ARP,
and how it deals with queuing. Many implementations only have room in the ARP lookup queue for a single packet for each of the hosts being queried. If an ARP request is not satisfied and another packet arrives from IP for the host being queried, then the first query will likely be aborted, and a second query will be issued. If the host is not responding to the ARP queries—but IP is trying to send multiple datagrams to that host—then there will be multiple queries for that host.
In this model, a higher-layer protocol such as TCP may notice that a problem has occurred and attempt a retransmission, which would in turn generate another IP packet (and another ARP request). Other protocols (such as UDP and ICMP) will not do this, however, and will simply treat a failed ARP lookup as a general timeout error (if a timer is being kept).
For example, if you try to use the ping program to test a host that is powered off, that host will not be able to respond to ARP broadcasts, and as such the local ICMP software will not be able to send an ICMP Echo Request message to the destination system. However, ping may continue generating ICMP Echo Request messages, which will result in multiple ARP lookups. ping may report timeout errors to the user for each of the failed lookups (since no response was received to the ICMP Echo Request message that was never actually sent over the network), although these errors will be generated by ping, and not by ARP.

The ARP Cache.

When the requesting system gets an ARP response, it will store the hardware and IP address pair of the requested device into a local cache. The next time that system needs to send data, it will check the local cache, and if an entry is found it will go ahead and use it, eliminating the need to broadcast another request.
Likewise, the system that responded to the ARP broadcast will store the hardware and IP addresses of the system that sent the original broadcast. If it did not do so, it would have to issue an ARP broadcast to find out where to send the ARP response.
Since all of the systems on the network will see the ARP broadcast, they could go ahead and capture the IP and hardware addresses of the sender, storing this information in their own caches. However, doing this might cause existing entries in the cache to be flushed (an especially problematic issue with systems that have small caches), so only those systems who already have the sender's IP address in their cache should update their entries. Hosts that do not already have the device in their cache should ignore the broadcast.

Cache size issues

Most systems have a very limited ARP cache, with only enough room for a few entries. These entries will be overwritten as needed—a problem for busy networks.
For example, if a client system frequently accesses a variety of different servers (one for mail, one for web, one for routing, one for database, etc.), and its ARP cache was smaller than the number of systems it was connecting to, then it would have to overwrite entries in the cache on a continual basis. It would issue an ARP broadcast, cache the result, and then overwrite that entry with the results from another ARP broadcast for a different system a few moments later. If this problem were multiplied by hundreds of devices, the network could theoretically become saturated with ARP broadcasts.
Likewise, if many clients are accessing a single server, and if the ARP cache on that server is too small to hold entries for all of the clients, then the ARP cache on the server may get flushed continually. This would require the server to issue ARP requests whenever it needed to send data back to the clients. This in turn would flush even more entries, forcing the cycle to be repeated endlessly.
Note that many large, multiuser systems and network routers have very large ARP caches to prevent these types of problems from occurring in the first place. For example, high-end Cisco routers have an ARP cache that is large enough to hold several hundred entries, since the router is likely to exchange data with each PC on the local network quite frequently. Having a large cache on these types of devices is essential to smooth operation, since otherwise the servers and routers could communicate with only a few PCs simultaneously.

Cache timeout issues

Systems should flush entries from the ARP caches after they have been unused for a while. This allows well-known IP addresses to be moved to a different machine—or for a well-known machine to be given a new IP address—without communication problems coming about due to stale (and invalid) address mappings. ARP cache timeout values that are too high will cause problems whenever a host is assigned a different IP address, since the other hosts who have an older entry in their caches will still try to send data to the old (and invalid) hardware address.
Conversely, an ARP timeout that is too short will also result in problems, especially on busy networks with lots of devices. If network clients are constantly flushing their ARP caches due to short timeout values, then many broadcasts will be required. This hurts performance, since the IP software will not be able to send any data until an ARP broadcast has been sent and responded to.
RFC 826 does not give a specific timeout value for ARP cache entries, so each vendor implements this value differently. On desktop PCs, the timeout value can be quite low, with entries expiring after just 120 seconds on Windows 95 systems. Conversely, many server-class systems will set the timeout value to be ten minutes or more, while some routers set the timeout as high as four hours. These types of systems typically benefit from having high timeout values, since the client systems do not change addresses very often, and provide their new hardware address whenever they switch to a new IP address (by issuing ARP queries).
You may need to ask your system vendor for the default ARP timeout value, or for instructions on how to change it. However, RFC 826 does state that if a device sees an ARP packet whose IP address is already in the cache, then any timeout clocks for that entry should be reset. This helps the already-cached data to survive for as long as possible.

Static caching

To get around some of the problems encountered with entries expiring and being over-written, many products provide tools for adding static entries to the cache that never expire. On some systems, static entries are cleared from the cache when the system is restarted, requiring they be added again, while on other systems the static entries are more or less permanent, remaining until they are manually purged or until space is needed in the cache.
There are some benefits that come from using static ARP entries. Some network administrators incorporate static entries into an overall network security strategy. By adding static ARP entries for every device on the network, an administrator can prevent someone from using somebody else's IP address to access a sensitive host. Another benefit of static cache entries comes from the elimination of frequent lookups, since clients will always have ARP cache entries for the servers they use most frequently.
However, this benefit can also cause management headaches if systems are moved or renumbered frequently. If the network adapter is changed on a server—or if a well-known IP address is moved to another computer—then the static cache entry for that device will be invalid on all of the systems that have it. Systems will be unable to communicate until the static entries have been purged.

Proxy ARP

Sometimes it is useful to have a device respond to ARP broadcasts on behalf of another device. This is particularly useful on networks with dial-in servers that connect remote users to the local network. In such a scenario, a remote user might have an IP address that appears to be on the local network, although the user's system would not be physically present (it would be at a remote location, connected through the dial-in server).
Systems trying to communicate with this node believe that the device was local, and would use ARP to try and find the associated hardware address. However, since the system is remote, it would not see (nor respond to) the ARP lookups.
Normally, this type of problem is handled through Proxy ARP, which allows a dial-in server to respond to ARP broadcasts on behalf of any remote devices it services.
Figure 3-2 shows a dial-up client connected to an Ethernet network using an IP address that is associated with the local Ethernet network. Whenever another device on the network needed to locate the hardware address of the remote user, it would issue an ARP Request for that IP address (as shown in step one in the figure), and expect an Ethernet address back in the ARP Response.
However, since the dial-up client is actually on a remote network, it would not see the ARP request (unless bridging were enabled over the connection, which is highly unlikely). Instead, Sasquatch should respond to the ARP Request on behalf of the dial-up system, providing its own Ethernet address in the ARP Response packet (as shown in step two in the figure). Essentially, Sasquatch would trick the other hosts into thinking that it was the remote system.
Figure 3-2.
An overview of Proxy ARP
Having gained the necessary information, the other devices on the local network could then start communicating directly with the communications server (using the low-level protocols appropriate for the medium). The communications server would accept the packets on behalf of the dial-up user, see that they were intended for the dial-up host (as shown in the destination address field of the IP header), and forward them on.
Some interesting problems can occur with Proxy ARP, especially in regards to mobile users who frequently connect and disconnect with multiple dial-in servers that share a modem pool or ISDN line. Whenever a client connects to an application server on the local LAN, ARP entries are stored in the server's cache, and if the user were to disconnect from the dial-up server and reconnect to another dial-up server on the same LAN (negotiating the same IP address for both connections), the application server's ARP cache entry for the client would still point to the first dial-up server's hardware address. This situation would prevent the application server from being able to communicate with the client, at least until the Proxy ARP entry in the server's cache was flushed. This particular problem can be resolved in a variety of ways, however, with the most common solution being the use of Gratuitous ARP on the dial-up servers in the pool.

Variations on the ARP Theme

Just as an IP device can locate the hardware address for a specific IP address, so can a device locate the IP address associated with a known hardware address. Two variations on ARP take advantage of this capability, although for very different purposes:
Inverse ARP
Inverse ARP works exactly the opposite of regular ARP. Rather than a device needing to find the hardware address associated with a known IP address, Inverse ARP is used to find the IP address for a known hardware address.
Reverse ARP
Reverse ARP is used to allow a diskless workstation to request its own IP address, simply by providing its hardware address in an ARP request broadcast. A Reverse ARP server will see this request, assemble an ARP response that contains an IP address for the requester to use, and then send it back to the requesting device. The workstation will then use this IP address for its networking activity.
In addition, three other variations on ARP have been developed that attempt to overcome some of the problems that have proven to be common on IP networks:
DHCP ARP is used by devices that obtain an IP address using an address-allocation protocol such as DHCP. The purpose of DHCP ARP is to allow the device to probe the network for any other device that may be using the assigned IP address already, prior to actually trying to use the address. This process helps prevent problems with duplicate or overlapping address assignments, as the requester can just reject the assignment if another device responds to the DHCP ARP query.
Gratuitous ARP
Gratuitous ARP is used when a device issues an ARP broadcast for the sole purpose of keeping other devices informed of its presence on the network.
There is no information gained by the requesting device in this scenario. However, other devices that already know about this device will update their cache entries, keeping them from expiring too quickly.
Similarly, UnARP provides a mechanism for de-registering ARP entries. When a device wishes to leave the network, it can issue an UnARP broadcast, causing the other devices to clear their ARP caches of entries for this device.
DHCP ARP, Gratuitous ARP, and UnARP can each be extremely useful when managing networks that change frequently.

Inverse ARP (InARP)

The design goal for ARP was to allow an IP system to locate the hardware address associated with the (known) IP address of another system on a local network. Inverse ARP—which is documented in RFC 2390—works in the exact opposite manner, instead allowing a system to locate the IP address associated with a known data-link address. This feature is necessary when the devices are known to each other at the data-link layer, but the IP addresses of those systems are not known, which will prevent the two systems from being able to communicate with each other using IP. This is a common scenario on networks that share data-link addresses across different physical networks, such as Frame Relay and ATM.
Frame Relay networks are somewhat different from traditional networks in that the devices themselves do not have hardware addresses. Instead, the devices have addresses for each of the circuits that they are connected to (known as 밺ata-link connection identifiers,?or DLCI addresses). Whenever a device needs to send data to another device, it sends the data to the DLCI address that is associated with the specific circuit that the destination device is available through.
From IP's point of view, if a device wants to send IP packets to another device on the Frame Relay network, then the sender must have an ARP cache of sorts that maps destination IP addresses to specific circuit identifiers, allowing the sender to transmit data for a known IP address through the correct Frame Relay circuit. Typically, Frame Relay access devices must be manually configured with this mapping information, showing that DLCI 153 is associated with the IP address of, for example. In this model, the sender is using a static ARP entry for each of the circuits that it is connected to. This scenario does not scale well, to say the least, particularly with Frame Relay networks that have hundreds of circuits (and therefore hundreds of IP-to-DLCI mappings).
This is the problem that Inverse ARP solves: by sending a query to each of the circuits that a device is attached to, a device can automatically build circuit-to-IP address mappings on a somewhat-automated basis. Once the destination systems on the far end of those circuits receive the Inverse ARP requests, they will respond with the IP address they are using on that specific circuit, allowing the sender to build these maps automatically.
Figure 3-3 provides a rough illustration of how this concept works. In that example, one of the devices wants to know the IP address of the other device at the far end of circuit 153, so it sends an Inverse ARP request through that circuit. The remote system sees the incoming request and responds with an Inverse ARP response that shows the IP address that is associated with that virtual circuit. Note that if the remote system were connected to multiple circuits, it would need to have different IP addresses for each of the circuits it were connected to (per-interface IP addresses are required in order for basic IP routing to work across the network).
Figure 3-3.
An overview of Inverse ARP
Every device on the Frame Relay network can go through this process, sending Inverse ARP requests through every circuit defined on the network, until all of the devices discover the IP addresses in use by all of the other devices. This information can then be used to build workable ARP caches for each of the systems. Note that these ARP entries should be treated the same as any other type of ARP data, with address pairs getting flushed or updated as needed by the system
owl.gif An interesting aside here is that Frame Relay circuits can have different circuit identifiers at each end, depending upon the number of switches in between the two end-points. In that scenario, the two end-points will have different circuit identifiers for the IP addresses in their ARP caches. For example, the sending router shown in Figure 3-3 may see the circuit as DLCI 153, while the recipient may see the circuit as DLCI 298. However, since the end-points only communicate with the circuit (and not with the remote system directly), the hardware address associated with the remote IP address is somewhat irrelevant.
Although the model put forth by Inverse ARP could be incorporated into Ethernet and other LAN-based topologies, it has not yet been done so to my knowledge. Generally speaking, there is no need for these services on a local network where every device shares the same physical medium. Frame Relay and ATM networks are unique in that devices can share a data-link connection while not being connected to the same physical network medium.
For more information on Inverse ARP, refer to RFC 2390. For more information on using IP with Frame Relay networks, refer to RFC 2427. For more information on using IP with ATM networks, refer to RFC 2225.

Reverse ARP (RARP)

Reverse ARP (RARP) is most often used with diskless workstations that do not have a permanent IP address, or that do not have sufficient resources for storing a permanent IP address. Whenever such a device needs to obtain an IP address for its own use (generally at boot time), it issues an ARP broadcast that contains its own hardware address in both the Sender and Recipient Hardware Address fields. Note that the Sender and Recipient Protocol Address fields would be zeroed out.
A special host (called a RARP server) watches for RARP broadcasts (RARP packets have their own unique ethertype of 8035). When one is seen, the server attempts to find an entry for the requesting device's hardware address in a local table of IP-to-hardware address mappings. If a match is found, it returns a RARP response to the requesting device, providing it with the IP address needed to continue the boot process. This process is illustrated in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4.
An overview of Reverse ARP
Although RARP was functional enough to be useful, it did not offer much in the way of comprehensive resource configuration. RARP did not provide for automatically determining the subnet mask in use on the network, the routers available, or much of anything else. For this reason, RARP is used much less frequently today than it has been in the past, with most devices having long ago moved to the BOOTP or DHCP configuration protocols for address-assignment and configuration services. You probably won't see it in use except on networks that have lots of older equipment.
For more information on RARP, refer to RFC 903.


One of the key differences between DHCP and RARP is that DHCP uses a shared pool of addresses when assignments are made, rather than using fixed entries like RARP does. This allows a network manager to share a limited number of IP addresses among a large number of hosts, instead of having to assign fixed addresses to each host. Although this makes life a little easier for the administrator in one sense, it can also make life more difficult, particularly when it comes to making sure that more than one device is not trying to use the same address at the same time. This is particularly problematic when users do not release the address they have been assigned and another device starts trying to use it, or when a user has manually configured his system to use a specific address that is also being assigned out of the DHCP pool.
In order to minimize the opportunity for this problem to occur, RFC 2131 (the DHCP RFC) stated that devices should verify the integrity of the address they are getting from the DHCP server before they accept the assignment. RFC 2131 also defined a specific ARP request format to be used for this purpose, in order to keep other systems from getting confused by the ARP request.
With DHCP ARP, the requesting device issues a normal ARP request, except that instead of putting its own IP address in the Source Protocol Address field, it puts in ?.0.0.0? The rest of the packet looks like a normal ARP request, with the local hardware address in the Source Hardware Address field, the questionable IP address in the Destination Protocol Address field, and the Destination Hardware Address field containing zeroes.
This combination of fields serves two purpose. First of all, by providing the local hardware address in the Source Hardware Address field, a device that is already using the questionable address will see the ARP request and will be able to respond to it (ARP does not use IP for delivery, so it does not need an IP address for responses to work). At the same time, the lack of an IP address in the Source Protocol Address field prevents the other systems on the network from updating their ARP caches. Otherwise, the IP address provided in the Source Protocol
Address field would cause the other network devices to update any existing entry in their caches, even though another system may be using that IP address.
This process is demonstrated in Figure 3-5. In that example, Greywolf has been assigned an IP address from the DHCP server, but it tests the assignment using a DHCP ARP request before attempting to use it. In that case, it would create an ARP request packet, and set the Destination Protocol Address field to the address that it had been assigned by the DHCP server. Then it would fill the Destination Hardware Address and Source Protocol Address fields with zeroes.
Figure 3-5.
An overview of DHCP ARP
If Greywolf does not receive a response to the query, then it can assume that no other device on the local network is using that IP address, and start using it. If Greywolf did receive a response, however, then it should reject the IP address offered by the DHCP server, and restart the assignment process.
It is important to note that just because a client does not receive a response from a DHCP ARP request does not mean that the IP address is safe to use. For example, another device may have that address permanently configured, but may also be powered off at the moment the DHCP ARP was issued. When that device was powered back on, it would try to use the permanently assigned address, resulting in addressing conflict problems (such as reset TCP connections, unexpected ICMP messages, and other such problems). Furthermore, not every device understands the DHCP ARP format, and many older systems will just ignore an ARP request that has zeroes in the Source Protocol Address field. In fact, the UnARP protocol explicitly uses ARP responses instead of requests for just that reason.
RFC 2131 also suggests that clients 뱒hould broadcast an ARP reply to announce the client's new IP address and clear any outdated ARP cache entries in hosts on the client's subnet.?However, there is some confusion in regards to this clause. Most systems implement this type of functionality using the Gratuitous ARP mechanism, which uses a broadcast ARP request message (rather than an ARP reply)._. Although RFC 2131 clearly states that devices should issue ARP replies, many implementations will use an ARP request for this service.
For more information on DHCP ARP, refer to RFC 2131.

Gratuitous ARP.

Simply put, Gratuitous ARP is where a device broadcasts its own hardware and IP address pair, solely for the purpose of causing other devices to update their ARP caches. Remember that systems will not add new devices that they see in a broadcast (as this may cause the cache to flush more important entries). However, they will gladly update any entries that are already in the cache.
When a Gratuitous ARP request is broadcast, the sender puts its hardware and IP address information into the appropriate sender fields, and also places its IP address in the destination IP address field. It does not put its hardware address in the destination hardware field, however. Other devices on the network see this broadcast, and if they have the sender's information in their cache already, they either restart the cache entry's countdown timers or modify the entry to use the new hardware address (in case the network adapter on the sending host has been changed).
This process can be particularly useful with servers that communicate with many different clients frequently; the frequent use of Gratuitous ARP messages causes those clients to update their cache entries frequently, thereby keeping the clients from having to constantly reissue queries whenever they want to connect to this server. Furthermore, Gratuitous ARP messages can also be useful when a system frequently dials into a modem pool that is served by multiple communications servers, and the user has pre-selected an IP address to use for her connection. In that environment, the address being used may be associated with a different hardware address from one of the other communications servers (from one of the previous connections). By using Gratuitous ARP, the active dial-up server will ensure that all of the hosts on the LAN have the right hardware address in their ARP caches.
This process is illustrated in Figure 3-6, which shows Ferret issuing an ARP Request for its own IP address (
Nobody should reply to the ARP request, since nobody else should have the IP address listed in the destination field. If anybody does reply to the Gratuitous ARP
Figure 3-6.
An overview of Gratuitous ARP
broadcast, it would be because the responding host was also using the same IP address of the sending system. In this case, both systems should notice that there is an addressing conflict, and may choose to display a warning message on the system console stating that another host is using the local host's IP address.
In fact, many hosts use Gratuitous ARP whenever they come online just for this purpose, since it offers a cheap way to test for address conflicts on startup. Unfortunately, the use of Gratuitous ARP in this way can actually cause some problems to occur, and is not always a good idea. For example, if a misconfigured host issues a Gratuitous ARP for an IP address that is already in use by another device, then any clients who see that broadcast will update their ARP caches to use the new hardware address being published, even though the new mapping may point to the wrong host. From that moment on—or at least until the cache entries are updated—those clients will try to send data to the misconfigured host, rather than to the original (proper) host.
DHCP ARP is probably a better mechanism to use when testing for addressing conflicts on startup, since it allows the sender to detect whether or not another device is using the IP address before it actually tries to use it. Furthermore, the use of zeroes in the Source Protocol Address field prevents the other systems from updating their ARP caches with this host's information, which may be the more prudent choice.


As discussed in 밫he ARP Cache?earlier in this chapter, there are no Time-to-Live mechanisms defined in the ARP standard. Each vendor implements its own ARP timers, ranging anywhere from two minutes to twenty minutes and more. This wide diversity can cause several problems.
For example, a DHCP client may be assigned an IP address, use it for a while, and then release it. Moments later, another client may be assigned the same IP address from the DHCP server. If any systems had the first DHCP client's hardware address stored in their cache, they would not be able to communicate with the new DHCP client.
One possible solution to this problem that has been proposed is UnARP, another variation on the ARP theme as defined in RFC 1868. UnARP dictates that a special ARP packet should be broadcast whenever a node disconnects from the network, explicitly telling other devices that the node is going away, and that the cache entry for that host should be flushed. This warning would allow another device (such as another DHCP client) to reuse the IP address immediately, without having to worry about stale caches causing any problems.
Essentially, UnARP is an unsolicited ARP response with zeroes in the Source and Destination Hardware Address fields that get broadcast across the network, as illustrated in Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7.
An overview of UnARP
There are some key concepts to UnARP that are subtle enough to be easily missed:
?Zeroes are used in the Source and Destination Hardware Address fields to indicate that no hardware address is associated with the IP address provided in the Source Protocol Address field. In addition, the Hardware Address Length field is also set to zero.
?UnARP uses an ARP response packet rather than an ARP request packet. This is because UnARP uses zeroes in the hardware address fields, which could break lesser-bred ARP implementations that were expecting data in those fields. Since devices do not typically monitor for unsolicited ARP responses, support for UnARP would therefore require special code within the device, helping to minimize problems that might result from using zeroes in the hardware address fields.
Note that RFC 1868 is defined as an experimental RFC, and therefore many vendors do not support it. You should check with your vendor to see if it is among those that do.
For more information on UnARP, refer to RFC 1868.

The ARP Packet

An ARP packet works at approximately the same layer as IP. It communicates with the data-link services provided by the physical medium, and as such, ARP is a separate protocol than IP (and is identified separately by any network that both categorizes the protocols being carried in the low-level frames and supports ARP directly). The ethertype for ARP is 0806 as opposed to the ethertype for IP, which is 0800.
According to RFC 826, an ARP packet is made up of nine fields. The total size of the packet will vary according to the size of the physical addresses in use on the local network medium.
The fields in an ARP packet are listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. The Fields in an ARP Packet
Header Field Bytes Usage Notes
Hardware Type 2 Identifies the medium-specific address type being requested.
Protocol Type 2 Identifies the higher-layer protocol information being discussed (which is always IP as far as we're concerned).

Table 3-1. The Fields in an ARP Packet (continued)
Header Field Bytes Usage Notes
Hardware Address Length 1 Specifies the size of the physical medium's hardware address, in bytes. Since each network uses different physical addressing mechanisms, this field is required for other fields further in the ARP packet.
Protocol Address Length 1 Specifies the size of the higher-layer protocol's address, in bytes. This is always 4 (32 bits) for IP.
Message Type 2 Identifies the purpose for this ARP packet (뱑equest?or 뱑esponse?.
Source Hardware Address varies Identifies the hardware address of the system issuing the ARP broadcast.
Source IP Address varies Identifies the higher-layer protocol address of the system issuing the ARP broadcast. This field's value will be 4 when IP is in use.
Destination Hardware Address varies Identifies the hardware address of the system responding to the ARP broadcast.
Destination IP Address varies Identifies the higher-layer protocol address of the system responding to the ARP broadcast. This field's value will be 4 when IP is used.

Notice that the ARP packet's format does not provide Time-to-Live or Version fields. This deficiency has caused a considerable amount of difficulty. Since there is no Time-to-Live field, every implementation uses its own cache timeout mechanisms, which results in inconsistent views of the network. Also, since there is no Version field, it is not possible to change the protocol's structure (such as adding a Time-to-Live field) without causing incompatibilities between the different implementations.
Figure 3-8 shows a capture of two ARP packets: an ARP Request from Ferret to the local broadcast address, and an ARP Response from Krill back to Ferret. These two packets will be used to illustrate the ARP packet throughout the rest of this section.
The following sections discuss the fields of the ARP packet.

Hardware Type

Identifies the hardware address type being requested, in decimal format. This would be 1 for DIX-Ethernet, 6 for IEEE 802.x Ethernet, 7 for ARCnet, etc.
Sixteen bits.
Since ARP is used for getting the hardware address associated with an IP address—and some systems allow an IP address to be associated with multiple types of hardware—there must be a way to request the specific type of
Figure 3-8.
Two ARP packets
hardware address desired. Two devices on the same Ethernet LAN would want to communicate using the Ethernet-specific addresses, and the ARP request needs to be able to ask for that kind of address specifically.
The Hardware Type field uses decimal codes to indicate the address type being requested. Some of the more common hardware types are listed in Table 3-2. For a detailed listing of all of the known hardware types that are currently registered for ARP, refer to the IANA's online registry (accessible at
Table 3-2. The Hardware Types Listed in RFC 1700 (Internet Assigned Numbers)
Hardware Type Decimal Code
DIX-Ethernet and FDDI 1
IEEE 802 (includes 802.3 Ethernet and 802.5 Token Ring) 6
ARCnet 7
LocalTalk 11
SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service) 14
Frame Relay 15
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) 19
Serial Line 20

Capture Sample
In the capture shown in Figure 3-9, the Hardware Type field is set to hexadecimal 0001, the code for DIX-Ethernet.
Figure 3-9.
The Hardware Type field

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Posted by 으랏차